How do we take care?

How do we take care? Self help during pandemic

During the last one and half years, it’s been a tough time for all of us, with not being able to travel around, no schools, and work from home. Such uncertain times have made us the victim of anxiety and overwhelm. We have learned to look after ourselves more keenly, both mentally and physically.


Let’s take a moment, and question us:


  • Did we prioritize our needs and wants over others?
  • Do we have time for ourselves?
  • How is our work-life different from last year?
  • Are we able to concentrate?
  • Do we have a workout routine?
  • Do we eat wisely and healthily?
  • Do we have a disturbed sleep cycle?


Is the answer NO, for most of the questions? Then, we should start working on ourselves, to get the better and best version of ourselves both physically and mentally.


Here are the top 4 ways to care:


Give some time


Set a timer for 10 minutes in a day, read a book or work out a little; one should do something they enjoy. Lets not depend on anything to work on “me-time”, like going out or it needs equipment, as that may act as a barrier to be happy.


Take deep breaths


While hustling between the office mails and house chores, we should take small deep breaths; breathe in for 5 seconds, hold on for 5 seconds, and breathe out in 5 seconds. We must feel the air, as it fills the lungs and while letting it out. 


Write things down


We should maintain a journal to list out things that worry us. Maybe, it can just be bullet points, or just doodle or scrawled anywhere on the page; it is not a to-do list.


Choose to be kind


Let us acknowledge the positive side of each other. It keeps us have a positive mindset and makes us feel better about ourselves. Let us start to make a gratitude jar or a walk. or just take a minute to be thankful for all the kind things in life and be grateful for the tiniest of things. 


Let’s start by implementing at least one of the tips and try adding up to the list every week, and redo the questions, they will be a yes mostly. It feels better to pamper ourselves. 



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